Publication of research paper

Title: Microsatellite based assignment reveals history of extirpated mountain ungulate

Authors: Safner, T., Buzan, E., Iacolina, L., Potušek, S., Rezić, A., Sindičić, M., Kavčić, K., Šprem, N.

Journal: Genetica, 148: 41-46

Year: 2020

2022-03-10T19:04:33+01:00March 10th, 2020|

Publication of research paper

Title: Performance of grapevine grown on reclaimed Mediterranean karst land: Appearance and duration of high temperature events and effects of irrigation

Authors: Romić, D., Karoglan Kontić, J., Preiner, D., Romić, M., Lazarević, B., Maletić, E., Ondrašek, G., Andabaka, Ž., Bakić Begić, H., Bubalo Kovačić, M., et al.

Journal: Agricultural Water Management, 236: 1-12


2022-03-10T19:00:20+01:00March 10th, 2020|

Publication of research paper

Title: Physiological Responses of Basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.) Cultivars to Rhizophagus Irregularis Inoculation under Low Phosphorus Availability

Authors: Lazarević, B., Carović-Stanko, K., Šatović, Z.

Journal: Plants, 9 (1): 14

Year: 2020

2022-03-09T21:34:49+01:00March 9th, 2020|
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