Poster presentation

Title: Invasive alien flora of the Zagreb County (Croatia) – spatial distribution and potential spread

Authors: Vlahović, D., Hruševar, D., Varga, F., Vladović, D., Mitić, B.

Congress: Joint ESENIAS and DIAS Scientific Conference and 9th ESENIAS Workshop

Time: 03.-06. rujna 2019.

Location: Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija

2019-10-10T08:56:47+02:00September 3rd, 2019|

Poster presentation

Title: Preliminary mapping of the invasive alien species Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. in the Towns of Zagreb county

Authors: Vlahović, D., Hruševar, D., Varga, F., Vladović, D., Mitić, B.

Congress: Sixth Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation

Time: 30. kolovoza – 1. rujna 2019.

Location: Zagreb, Hrvatska

2019-10-10T08:58:45+02:00August 30th, 2019|

Invited lecture

Title: How plants cope with soil hypoxia

Presenter: Professor Dominik Vodnik, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Organizer: Science Center of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (SCE CroP-BioDiv) and University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, International Relations Office

Time: May 29th, 2019; 14:00

Location: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Hall VI/B

2019-06-06T08:41:06+02:00May 29th, 2019|
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