Publication of research paper

Title: Production of Virus-Free Garlic Plants through Somatic Embryogenesis

Authors: Kereša, S., Kurtović, K., Goreta Ban, S., Vončina, D., Habuš Jerčić, I., Bolarić, S., Lazarević, B., Godena, S., Ban, D., Bošnjak Mihovilović, A.

Journal: Agronomy, 11(5): 876

Year: 2021

2022-03-12T22:04:36+01:00March 12th, 2021|

Publication of research paper

Title: A Mother’s Story, Mitogenome Relationships in the Genus Rupicapra

Authors: Iacolina, L. Buzan, E., Safner, T., Bašić, N., Geric, U., Tesija, T., Lazar, P., Cruz Arnal, M., Chen, J., Han, J., Nikica Š.

Journal: Animals, 11: 1065

Year: 2021

2022-03-12T22:01:01+01:00March 12th, 2021|

Publication of research paper

Title: Morphological and Chemical Diversity and Antioxidant Capacity of the Service Tree (Sorbus domestica L.) Fruits from Two Eco-Geographical Regions

Authors: Poljak, I., Vahčić, N., Liber, Z., Tumpa, K., Pintar, V., Zegnal, I., Vidaković, A., Valković, B., Kajba, D., Idžojtić, M.

Journal: Plants 10(8):1691

Year: 2021

2022-03-12T21:55:41+01:00March 12th, 2021|
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