Publication of research paper
Title: GA4+7 plus benzyladenine in combination with sucrose improves postharvest leaf and inflorescence quality in Lilium ‘Alma Ata’
Authors: Krstulović A, Prebeg T, Mekinić IG, Dovedan, IH; Gunjača J
Title: GA4+7 plus benzyladenine in combination with sucrose improves postharvest leaf and inflorescence quality in Lilium ‘Alma Ata’
Authors: Krstulović A, Prebeg T, Mekinić IG, Dovedan, IH; Gunjača J
Title: Effect of freezing and different thawing methods on the content of polyphenolic compounds of red grape skins
Authors: Tomaz, I., Šeparović, M., Štambuk, P., Preiner, D., Maletić, E., Karoglan Kontić, J.
Journal: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(3):13550.
Title: Synthetic Zeolite A as Zinc and Manganese Fertilizer in Calcareous Soil
Authors: Pasković, I., Pecina, M., Bronić, J., Perica, S., Ban, D., Goreta Ban, S., Pošćić, F., Palčić, I., Herak Ćustić, M.
Journal: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49(9):1071-1082.
Title: Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv): Objectives and Activities
Presenter: Professor Zlatko Šatović, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb / CoE CroP-BioDiv Author: Šatović, Z.
Conference: SLO-ACE Final Conference
Organizer: Slovenian Center of Excellence in Agricultural Sciences (SLO-ACE)
Time: 04. srpnja 2018; 11:45
Location: Hotel Slon, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Title: Genetic Diversity of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) in Clonal Seed Orchards in Croatia, Assessed by Nuclear and Chloroplast Microsatellites
Authors: Katičić Bogdan, I., Kajba, D., Šatović, Z., Schüler, S., Bogdan, S.
Journal: South-East European Forestry 9 (1): 29-46.
Title: Use of the steel electric arc furnace slag as an additive for the plant nutrition
Authors: Brnardić, I., Poljak, M., Lazarević, B., Sofilić, T., Čavrak, T.
Congress: Peti naučno – stručni skup s međunarodnim učešćem ”5. juni – Svjetski dan zaštite okoliša”
Time: 29 – 30 June 2018
Location: Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Title: Nutritional quality of phaseolin types and morphotypes of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Authors: Carović-Stanko, K., Maloić, M., Pintar, J., Liber, Z., Radosavljević, I., Bedeković, D., Guberac, S., Očić, V., Lazarević, B.
Journal: Agrociencia, 52(4): 523-537
Title: Effects of Salinity and Seed Priming on Germination of Sea Fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.)
Authors: Nimac, A., Lazaervić, B., Petek, M., Vidak, M., Šatović, Z., Carović-Stanko, K.
Journal: Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 83(2): 181-185