International Conference on Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding

On behalf of the Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv), Zagreb, Croatia, we are pleased to invite you to the International Conference on Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding.

The conference will take place in Novigrad, Croatia, from 2 to 6 October 2022.

The conference will be an excellent opportunity to meet with researchers from all over the world who are working on different aspects of analysis, conservation and use of plant diversity in plant breeding programmes and different approaches in the development and implementation of new technologies in molecular plant breeding.

2022-07-21T12:26:17+02:00July 21st, 2022|

Publication of research paper

Title: Plant carotenoids as pigment sources in laying hen diet: effect on yolk color, carotenoid content, oxidative stability and sensory properties of eggs

Authors: Kljak K., Carović-Stanko K., Kos I., Janječić Z., Kiš G., Duvnjak M., Safner T., Bedeković D.

Journal: Foods, 10 (4): 721

Year: 2021


2022-03-13T20:48:43+01:00March 13th, 2022|

Newspaper article or interwiev (TV or radio)

Title: (of journal article): Na “svemirskim strojevima” stvaraju nove usjeve otporne na klimatske promjene

Newspaper name: Večernji list

Short summary: Krajem prošlog tjedna na radionici “Fenotipizacija visoke propusnosti” predavali su agronomski stručnjaci iz raznih dijelova Europe. Ideja im je bila doskočiti klimatskim promjenama i prilagoditi poljoprivredne usjeve novim vremenima.

Date: 1 November 2021

Link to article:

2022-03-13T14:44:49+01:00November 1st, 2021|


Title: Fenotipizacija visoke propusnosti

Lectures: Hund A., Sturrock C., Vodnik D., Živčák M.

Organizers: Carović-Stanko K., Lazarević B.,Šarčević H.

Time: 28. – 29. listopad 2021.

Location: Zagreb, Hrvatska

2022-03-12T23:09:54+01:00October 28th, 2021|

Newspaper article or interwiev (TV or radio)

Title: I divljač voli grah, ali i grah voli divljač


Authors: Monika Vidak


Newspaper name: Dobra kob

Short summary: Osim prehrambenog doprinosa, konzumacija graha korisna je jer je povezana s manjim rizikom od razvoja glavnih kroničnih bolesti. Izvor je antioksidansa, snizuje kolesterol i ima antikancerogeno djelovanje, kao i učinke na kardiovaskularne bolesti, dijabetes i pretilost te ima značajan potencijal kao funkcionalna hrana

koja nudi blagodati za ljudsko zdravlje.

Date: June 2021

2022-03-12T23:20:43+01:00June 12th, 2021|

Publication of research paper

Title: Phytosociology, ecology and conservation status of Salvia brachyodon (Lamiaceae), a narrow endemic of Eastern Adriatic

Authors: Kosič, D., Zečić, E., Balant, M., Glasnović, P., Fišer, Ž., Jovičević, M., Radosavljević, I., Surina, B.

Journal: Hacquetia 20(1):91-106

Year: 2021

2022-03-12T22:11:34+01:00March 12th, 2021|

Publication of research paper

Title: Variation for Nitrogen Use Efficiency Traits in Wheat Under Contrasting Nitrogen Treatments in South-Eastern Europe

Authors: Ivić, M., Grljušić, S., Plavšin, I., Dvojković, K., Lovrić, A., Rajković, B., Maričević, M., Černe, M., Popović, B., Lončarić, Z., Bentley, A.R., Swarbreck, S.M., Šarčević, H.,  Novoselović, D.

Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 2545

Year: 2021

2022-03-12T22:07:52+01:00March 12th, 2021|
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