Conference presentation

Title: Morphological and physiological characteristics of old Kaštela olive plants under abiotic stress conditions
Presenter: Josip Tadić
Authors: Josip Tadić, Gvozden Dumičić, Tatjana Klepo, Sandra Radić Brkanac
Congress: 55 Croatian & 15 International Symposium on Agriculture
Location: Vodice

2020-05-18T14:10:06+02:00February 19th, 2020|

Conference presentation

Title: Reproductive traits of different olive cultivars
Presenter: Raboteg Marina
Authors:. Marina Raboteg, Višeslav Glavinović, Tatjana Klepo, Gabriela Vuletin Selak
Congress: 55 Croatian & 15 International Symposium on Agriculture
Time: 16. 02. 2020.- 21. 02. 2020.
Location: Vodice, Croatia

2020-05-18T14:16:35+02:00February 16th, 2020|


CoE CroP-Biodiv Tenth Scientific Board Meeting

Time: Oct. 28th, 2019

Location: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture

2019-11-06T12:44:58+01:00October 28th, 2019|

Poster presentation

Title: Spatial distribution of the invasive alien plant Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle in the towns of Zagreb county

Authors: Vlahović, D., Hruševar, D., Varga, F., Vladović, D., Mitić, B.

Congress: Detection and controlof forest invasive alien species in a dynamic world

Time: 25.-28. September 2019.

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

2019-10-10T08:54:25+02:00September 25th, 2019|
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